Data for: A principled approach to synthesize neuroimaging data for replication and exploration

Published: 26 April 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/3w9662wjpr.1
Kenneth Vaden,


The synthetic predictor tables and fully synthetic neuroimaging data produced for the analysis of fully synthetic data in the current study are available as Research Data available from Mendeley Data. Ten fully synthetic datasets include synthetic gray matter images (nifti files) that were generated for analysis with simulated participant data (text files). An archive file predictor_tables.tar.gz contains ten fully synthetic predictor tables with information for 264 simulated subjects. Due to large file sizes, a separate archive was created for each set of synthetic gray matter image data: RBS001.tar.gz, …, RBS010.tar.gz. Regression analyses were performed for each synthetic dataset, then average statistic maps were made for each contrast, which were then smoothed (see accompanying paper for additional information). The supplementary materials also include commented MATLAB and R code to implement the current neuroimaging data synthesis methods ( The example data were selected from an earlier fMRI study (Kuchinsky et al., 2012) to demonstrate that the current approach can be used with other types of neuroimaging data. The example code can also be adapted to produce fully synthetic group-level datasets based on observed neuroimaging data from other sources. The zip archive includes a document with important information for performing the example analyses, and details that should be communicated with recipients of a synthetic neuroimaging dataset. Kuchinsky, S.E., Vaden, K.I., Keren, N.I., Harris, K.C., Ahlstrom, J.B., Dubno, J.R., Eckert, M.A., 2012. Word intelligibility and age predict visual cortex activity during word listening. Cerebral Cortex 22, 1360–71.



Statistics, Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Brain, Synthesis
